New Hair
Over the years i have had many different colours of hair but generally stuck to the style being long and natural. I have wanted to change my hair style a while now, and now i've changed a few things in my life recently i thought why not just try something new, hair grows back after all! I was initially going to go for a length that was just longer than my shoulders and maybe add a few layers in there, but i thought to myself if i'm going to cut my hair dramatically i technically have to do it short, so thats exactly what i did. I kept the blonde ends on my hair and dark roots and i think it looks even better on my hair now its shorter. My hair feels healthier and so much lighter. Managing it is probably the biggest bonus from getting it cut as not only does it dry super quick, it doesn't look dry so i don't have to use as much product on it. This was such a nerve wracking process for me, i haven't had short hair since i was in reception at primary school and i was dressed as a little pudding, and oh boy did i look like a pudding, the hair finished it off - it was cut by my unexperienced in hairdressing mother at the time so you can imagine how i looked.
Anyway, here are some pictures of my new hair.
Let me know what you think!
I must say I don't have the courage (yet) to make a drastic hair change, but you look amazing! I love how you look on your picture at the side bar, but this look also looks so amazing on you! Really nice lip color btw.
Ah thanks so much lovely! i was so scared but it was worth it my hair just feels so much better and i love the cut :) if you're thinking about doing it, i say do it! itll always grow back if you dont like it!